I have often talked about the extraordinary healing properties of Aloe , but in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is important to also learn about the potential side effects and the contraindications in taking Aloe juice .
We begin by listing all the cases in which Aloe should never be taken, or assumed by eliminating some parts that could be harmful to the body:
Aloe is contraindicated to:
1. Pregnant women
The juice of Aloe, whether of Aloe Vera, or of Aloe Arborescens, should always be avoided during pregnancy .
The intake of the juice, favoring the contractions of the uterus, could lead to the spontaneous abortion of the fetus, especially in the first three months of pregnancy.
2. Women breastfeeding (ok without aloin)
If this is your case, I advise you to avoid the intake of Aloe juices that contain aloin , as this active ingredient, especially present in the peel, could cause colic in the infant.
You can instead take Aloe Vera juice without aloin (therefore only gel).
3. People who have undergone organ transplantation
Aloe has the ability to “expel” all that is foreign, so it is good to avoid taking the juice in case of organ transplantation .
4. People who take anticoagulants
If you take anticoagulants you should avoid consuming too many green leafy vegetables because they contain vitamin K , a vitamin that interferes with the work of these drugs.
Aloe also contains vitamin K, so it is contraindicated to those who take these types of drugs .
5. Irritable colon or more severe colon disease (ok without peel and without aloin)
I must say that here the situation is very subjective, because I have seen people with serious diseases, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative culitis, improve after the intake of the juice of Aloe Arborescens made according to the recipe of Father Zago.
In general, for people suffering from irritable colon, diverticulitis or more serious colon pathologies such as ulcerative colitis and crohn’s disease, I recommend Aloe juice Vera without aloin .
In fact, the skin can create irritation to the colon, which in these situations is already inflamed. All this turns into pain and discomfort at the level of the lower abdomen.
6. Stomach ulcers (ok without peel and without aloin)
Also here is the peel that causes friction and therefore annoyance , so you can take Aloe only if the juice is filtered, or if you use only the gel.
So in these cases they are fine:
Side effects
Especially in the first days of recruitment, some more, some less, with Aloe almost all face “unpleasant side effects”. I speak in particular of diarrhea .
In reality it is a completely normal phenomenon due to the marked purifying action that this plant exerts on our body and in particular on the liver and on the intestine.
Usually within three or at most four days this problem disappears and the intestine returns to normal, but if this does not happen, I urge you to halve the intake , going from 3 soup spoons a day, to 3 teaspoons. Continue to take the Aloe in half the dosage for a few days and if things are back to normal, resume the classic dosage of three tablespoons a day.
If this is not the case, try to stop for a few days and start again gradually with half the dosage and 3-4 days with the classic dosage.
Our Aloe juices, without aloin