It is very easy to make the preparation of Father Zago recipe, by using Aloe Arborescens, honey and distillate (grappa, or whisky, or vodka, or gin, ecc.).
As a matter of fact, anyone can make it at home, but two factors are essential to get the maximum benefits and active ingredients from this magical plant, namely:
- The quality of raw materials;
- To strictly follow the instructions of Father Zago recipe. Quality raw materials means:
- honey: you must choose an untreated and unpasteurized handcrafted honey;
- Aloe: you must get a plant of Aloe Arborescens (not Aloe Vera), which is at least 4 years old and has been grown naturally, without the use of chemical treatments. I suggest you avoid buying plants from the classic nurseries or worse in shopping centers. The most suitable place where to buy Aloe plants are farms. If you are interested in my farm, we grow Aloe Arborescens plants that we sell and ship throughout Italy. Take a look at my plants ➜
Photos of some of my Aloe Arborescens plants:

Father Romano Zago’s Recipe

Father Zago himself suggest us not to be picky with the weight of the ingredients for the preparation of the juice and you can start from what is the original recipe (also called “classical”), to create versions with more or less amount of Aloe, as you need.
Classic Version
- 350 g of Aloe Arborescens (from plants of 5 years and above)
- 500 g of good quality honey
- 3/6 tablespoons of alcohol, grappa, vodka, etc.
Concentrated Version
- 425 g of Aloe Arborescens (from plants of 5 years and above)
- 425 g of good quality honey
- 3/6 tablespoons of alcohol, grappa, vodka, etc.
Super concentrated version
- 500 g of Aloe Arborescens (from plants of 5 years and above)
- 350 g of good quality honey
- 3/6 tablespoons of alcohol, grappa, vodka, etc.
Preliminary instructions for the preparation of the recipe
All the instructions that you find below are also reported in Father Romano Zago’s book, “Cancer can be cured!“.
Our farm scrupulously follows these rules, as we ourselves have proved its effectiveness.
- All the harvest, processing and conservation of this juice must be done in the dark, or in dim light;
- The Aloe plant from which the leaves are harvested must be 4 years old or more; The leaves should be collected in darkness / dim light, as both the gel and the skin are sensitive to natural and artificial light;
- The leaves must be dry and not wet by rain or frost;
- The plant should not be watered and / or should not take rain for about 5/7 days; The leaves should be processed as soon as possible and / or kept in a dark and cool place;
- The leaves should not be too rich in gel / water as the juice would be too diluted;
- The leaves must be cleaned only with slightly damp cloths and then dried well;
- The juice container must be made of glass and obscured to prevent it from catching light;
- The juice should be kept in a cool and dry environment, once started it should be placed in the bottom part of the fridge.
How to prepare Father Zago’s Recipe
Once you have followed the instructions listed above, you can start preparing Father Zago’s aloe juice recipe, a handmade product, made as you like the most.
- Get a powerful vertical blender;
- The preparation of the juice must be done in a dark environment, almost in the dark;
- Clean the leaves of Aloe by rubbing them with a damp cloth to remove the impurities and dry them well with a dry and clean cloth;
- The leaves must be used whole, after having removed the thorns and the damaged parts with a knife; then cut them into pieces;
- Lightly blend the leaves after adding alcohol (2-3 tablespoons of alcohol distillate, for example grappa);
- Add honey and blend well;
- Pour the juice into an obscured jar, or cover it with aluminum foil and store it in the lower part of the fridge;
- In the first days, the juice will have a stronger and bitter taste, but in the following days, after amalgamating well with honey, it will be more pleasant and homogeneous.
The importance of the three ingredients
People often ask me if it is essential to use all the three components of the recipe.
I always reply that the success of the formula is due to its three ingredients: first of all aloe, then honey and distillate.
The importance of Aloe Arborescens.
Having a good raw material is at the base of this recipe.
The recommendation is not to buy the plants in the first place that we find. Nurseries are full of plants constantly treated with chemicals or exposed near the road and you can imagine how much pollution and dust the plants can absorb over the years.
If you do not know where to buy the plants, you can consider my farm. For over 5 years I have been cultivating the Aloe in a natural way and in the countryside, in the hills of Fermo (central Italy).
If you are interested, take a look at my plants ➜
Photos of some of my plants:
The importance of the natural honey bee
The function of honey is in primis a therapeutic function.
Honey is the first and only natural sweetener that not only attenuates the bitter taste of Aloe Arborescens but that also favors the maximum absorption of the active ingredients present in the Aloe.
In addition, it helps to keep the mixture properly, preserving it as if it were “in oil”.
The importance of the distillate
As for the distillate (grappa, vodka, gin and similar), it is equally important as it exerts a vasodilatory action, it dilates the blood vessels facilitating the diffusion of the active ingredients present in the Aloe and the general purification of the organism.
The blood can thus purify itself, eliminating the infectious substances. Furthermore, the human organism would not be able to fully absorb the aloin, a yellow viscous liquid with antibacterial and antitumor properties, present in the skin and in the outer part of the Aloe gel.
People often ask me if ingredients like honey and alcohol (only 1-2%) are of fundamental importance?
I answer in the same way Father Zago would answer: is a recipe effective yet if changed? For any variant or every alternative that you could propose Father Zago will always tell you “This is not my recipe anymore”.
Related products
Aloe Arborescens juice, Father Zago’s original recipe 325ml/750 ml
- Packaging of 325ml and 750ml
- Ingredients: Aloe Arborescens, honey and distillate
- Italian product
- Company: Erbe di Mauro