natural viagra

Yes, today I want to talk to you about ” Natural Viagra “, in other words about all those natural products that are effective for erection and decreased desire .

Some of these products are also great for treating both female and male fertility problems .

I want to emphasize that this is not a joke, there really are natural alternatives to the “magic” blue pill.

However, I do not want to deceive you, I will not tell you about remedies with instant effect . You can only get such an effect with Viagra, or other drugs with similar action ( Levitra, Cialis, etc. ). All products can only be purchased in pharmacies with a medical prescription.

In cases where you want to treat the problem in a natural way, you can do it with some products that I will tell you about shortly. They really work, but they must be taken consistently and act in the medium to long term (months / weeks).

Furthermore, they should always be associated with a good diet , because this also counts (and how it counts!).

Some of the products I am going to tell you about can be defined as ” homemade natural Viagra “, as they are plants that you can grow in your vegetable garden.

Others are rarer and more exotic products, which you can only find on the market. You can choose just one of the 5 products I’m going to tell you about, or you can combine them to achieve even greater effectiveness.

I’ll start immediately by talking to you about the most powerful and most effective remedy ever….

1. Cordyceps

cordyceps natural viagra

There are numerous examples of herbal products that we could define as real alternative natural remedies to viagra . Among the many, the most effective is undoubtedly Cordyceps (Cordyceps militaris or sinensis) .

It is no coincidence that in Tibet, the place of origin of this mushroom, Cordyceps has been renamed ” the Viagra of the Himalayas “, precisely because of its marked rejuvenating action against the male (but also female) sexual organ.

What is Cordyceps?

It is a strange and rare mushroom , which grows between 3,000 and 5,000 m of altitude in the mountains of the Himalayas . It develops through its own spores, parasitizing on caterpillar caterpillar larvae.

When the unfortunate guests die and with the arrival of spring, the mushroom makes its appearance, sprouting directly from the carcass of the insect.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) it is listed among the “superior herbs”, a real health elixir whose use, for centuries, remained for the exclusive use of the emperor.

The higher herbs

In Traditional Chinese Medicine they fall into the category of superior herbs, all those natural products that can be taken for life, as they are extremely beneficial for the body and free from any side effect.

A bizarre discovery

The first to discover the extraordinary healing and invigorating properties of Cordyceps were the Tibetan shepherds, over two thousand years ago.

Like every spring, with the melting of the glaciers, the shepherds used to bring their Yak (the Tibetan ox) to graze in the heights of the Himalayan mountains.

One day the shepherds noticed that the Yaks were eating a strange grass , which was sticking out of the corpse of some caterpillars.

It was precisely the Cordyceps mushroom.

They later noticed an unusual increase in vitality from the animals . After consuming the mushroom, the Yaks became strangely more vital and sexually active.

Intrigued, the shepherds decided to try that strange mushroom themselves.

The result? They too noticed an increase in vitality, energy, strength and stamina and an improvement in sexual performance . They also noted less breathing difficulties (very common in those hills) and greater resistance to disease in general.

Viagra from the Himalayas

viagra himalyas

Although it is a real health elixir, which acts on the body at 360 ° , the main reason why Cordyceps is so sought after is mainly for its powerful tonic action against the male sexual system .

It is no coincidence that for centuries this mushroom has been one of the few remedies of the oriental tradition in response to problems related to the male and female sexual sphere ( impotence, infertility and low libido ).

And still today many oriental men use it in case of problems, or simply to be “safer” on the occasion of a gallant date.

Hence the nickname of ” Himalayan Viagra “, a name that fits perfectly, except that Cordyceps is much more than a simple remedy for impotence.

What science says

In addition to what history has handed down to us, regarding the popular use of Cordyceps, in recent years there have been several studies and clinical tests [ 1 , 2 , 3 ], which have confirmed many of the therapeutic qualities of this medicinal mushroom, in particular for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and infertility .

Studies have shown that Cordyceps works by increasing testosterone levels , the hormone that regulates desire, erection and sexual satisfaction.

Not only. The fungus seems to be able to increase the blood flow to the corpora cavernosa of the penis , or those cylindrical structures arranged along the penis composed mostly of small caves which, filling with blood, allow an erection.

Finally, it has an excellent anxiolytic and antidepressant action, improving the psychoemotional state .

For all these reasons, Cordyceps is undoubtedly an excellent remedy to counteract the decline in virility and desire and to combat erectile dysfunction .

It certainly does not claim to have immediate action like the famous blue pill. With Cordyceps, as with any natural remedy, a constant and medium-term intake (at least 1-2 months) is necessary to notice tangible effects.

Other properties of Cordyceps

Even if it remains the main reason why it is so much used, to say that Cordyceps is used only and exclusively to improve sexual performance, would be nothing short of an understatement.

This medicinal mushroom has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries to treat an incredible variety of problems.

Just to name a few:

  • Cardiovascular pathologies : Cordyces improves blood circulation, regulates blood pressure and also acts as a cardioprotector, regulating the heart rhythm, ensuring regular blood flow and hindering the clotting of platelets.
  • Improves respiratory function : in TCM, Cordyceps is associated with the “lung meridian” and in fact studies have shown that it helps relieve respiratory disorders, such as asthma, tuberculosis and chronic bronchitis. It also reduces the production of phlegm.
  • Stimulates the immune system : Cordyceps is rich in high molecular weight β-glucans, polysaccharides that exert an important regulating action on the immune system. They do not act directly on the disease, but rather enhance the immune response which becomes faster and more effective in responding to the pathogenic stimulus, improving resistance to bacterial, viral and fungal infections.
  • Anti-aging : Cordyceps has anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help reduce the weakness, stress and fatigue associated with aging and increase energy during overexertion.
  • Kidney diseases : in TCM, Cordyceps is the remedy of choice for the treatment of kidney disorders, the main seat of the vital energy of our body. Numerous studies have actually shown that this fungus is able to protect the kidneys and improve their functionality, normally measured with parameters such as creatinine, proteinuria, uric acid and creatinine clearance. The intake of Cordyceps is therefore indicated in case of nephritis, renal insufficiency and also in case of kidney diseases on an autoimmune basis.
  • Supports liver function : Numerous studies show that Cordyceps helps improve and restore liver function in the event of liver damage, such as chronic hepatitis B and C infection.


1 to 2 teaspoons per day of Cordyceps, to be mixed in water, yogurt, tea, herbal tea, vegetable milk or other drinks. It is recommended to combine it with vitamin C (or products that contain it, such as lemon juice), to improve the assimilation of the active ingredients present in Cordyceps.

Contraindications and side effects

From the studies done so far, mostly on laboratory mice, Cordyceps sinensis appears to be a safe product , which even at high doses, does not present any toxicity to humans .

However, the intake is contraindicated in certain cases:

  • people allergic to yeasts and fungi;
  • people who have undergone organ transplants;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

Our products

On our website you can buy Cordyceps militaris in powder, certified organic origin.

cordyceps powder

2. Maca

maca Increased libido

Maca for a while ‘time is attracting interest from around the world known for its invigorating action .

It is a plant of the Cruciferous family (the same as broccoli and cabbage), whose root has the appearance of common turnips in all respects. However, it is a unique plant of its kind, which grows exclusively in the Peruvian Andes , at altitudes of over 3,500 m.

In these places characterized by extremely high temperature ranges, the plant has been able to adapt by drawing precious resources from the soil, which it expertly accumulates within its root.

Peruvians know Maca root well and have used it in cooking for thousands of years. They also use it for medicinal purposes, for the treatment of numerous ailments and in particular for those suffering from physical asthenia, chronic fatigue and for men and women with sexual problems.

These are the main benefits of Maca

  • Increased libido: first of all it is a remedy with aphrodisiac action. This is confirmed by a 2010 study , which highlights how maca can have a positive effect on sexual dysfunction and sexual desire in menopausal women and adult men after 6 consecutive weeks of taking the product. Maca appears to be particularly effective in men. A 2002 study shows that compared to the group taking a placebo, men who consumed 1.5-3g of maca per day experienced increased sexual desire.
  • Reduces erectile dysfunction : maca seems to act as a sort of “natural viagra”, ie it is able to reduce erectile dysfunction, although not with an immediate effect like real viagra. During a 2009 study , researchers gave 50 men with mild erectile dysfunction 2.4 grams of maca extract, or a placebo. After 12 weeks, men who received maca extract noticed a significant improvement in their sexual performance.
  • Increases Male Fertility : Maca, in addition to improving libido and sexual performance, also appears to be effective in improving male fertility. The plant acts on the maturation of spermatozoa , increases their number and improves their motility, i.e. the ability to reach the egg to be fertilized . In a 2015 study , researchers provided maca to 20 male volunteers between the ages of 24 and 40. After taking 1.4 g of maca for 12 consecutive weeks, “the concentration and motility of the spermatozoa showed increasing trends compared to the control group.
  • Increases female fertility : even if there are not enough studies to prove it, Maca seems to be really useful also in the female body, because it stimulates the follicles to produce mature oocytes, thus improving fertility.

In this regard, this article from 2005 is interesting , where a Gynecologist was interviewed who had obtained excellent results on the fertility of couples, prescribing Maca as a supplement.

Other benefits of Maca:

  • Improves energy and physical endurance;
  • Improve your mood
  • Stimulates the immune system;
  • It has adaptogenic properties;
  • Improve concentration and memory.

How do you assume

In Peru, its home country, Maca is eaten both raw, cooked, or as a powdered root. In our country it is found only as dust.

Maca powder can be diluted in water, tea, herbal tea, vegetable milk, yogurt or other drinks (preferably not hot). It is recommended not to exceed a dosage of 3 teaspoons per day .

Contraindications and side effects

Being a food rich in iodine, maca is not recommended for those with thyroid problems . Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

If you do not exceed the doses, it hardly brings side effects. In case of overdose, or in case of ascertained sensitivity to one or more of its components, the most common side effects are heartburn, headache, insomnia, tachycardia, nausea and acne.

Our products

You can buy Maca in powder, certified organic farming, directly from our website .


3. Savory

savory love herb

Let’s now talk about a native plant of our area, the Savory . It is a small aromatic plant of the Labiatae family that grows spontaneously throughout the Mediterranean basin.

It is used in the kitchen to season meat and fish, but especially in combination with legumes. In fact, savory is also known as ” bean grass “, because it goes very well with legume dishes . Its properties, in fact, prevent the formation of annoying intestinal gas produced by the consumption of these foods.

Now you are wondering what savory has to do with this article?

Well you should know that for a long time its cultivation was strictly forbidden to monks . The reason for this prohibition was that savory was considered a powerful aphrodisiac herb , capable of triggering a strong libido in anyone who consumed it.

A belief handed down over the centuries, so much so that we find this aromatic herb as the basis for many love potions.

One of these ” potions against impotence ” is mentioned in the book ” My Herbarium ” by the most famous and well-known French herbalist of the 900 ‘, Maurice Mességue .

The recipe is nothing more than a herbal tea, composed of the following herbs:

  • savory,
  • Rosemary,
  • mint,
  • fragrant verbena.

Maurice Mességue recommends drinking 2 cups a day of this herbal tea, for 40 consecutive days, and then drinking in the following three days, an infusion of savory only, prepared with 6 pinches of savory in boiling water.

If you are interested we have recreated the Mességue “love potion” for you, we called it: Aphrodisiac herbal tea. You can order it directly on our website.

Other properties of Santoreggia

  • antidiarrheal;
  • antigout;
  • carminative;
  • digestive;
  • vermifuge.

Our products

You can buy the savory (variety Santoreggia montana) produced by our cultivation and the Aphrodisiac herbal tea, or the recipe of love by Maurice Mességue (always with herbs from our cultivation), directly online on our site.

aphrodisiac herbal tea

4. Epilobio parviflorum

epilobium prostate infiammation

Willowherb ( Epilobium parviflorum ) is an herb that acts on libido, improves erection, or fertility of man or woman.

Therefore it is wrong to consider this plant a natural viagra .

However, I wanted to bring it back to this list because it does one very, very important thing: it is able to reduce the inflammation and size (if abnormal) of the prostate gland .

Very often male sexual problems are the result of a prostate disorder, such as prostatitis, or benign prostatic hypertrophy. The pain and perennial discomfort in the lower areas, as well as making it difficult to erect and reach orgasm, completely annihilates the desire for any sexual intercourse.

If this is the case for you (or the case of your husband, or your boyfriend), know that the willow tree is the right plant for you.

Epilobium parviflorum is a plant used for centuries by folk medicine, for the treatment of prostate disorders .

Gallic acid, bioflavonoids and myricetol-3-0-beta-D-glucuronide, all active ingredients naturally contained in the epilobium plant, exert a powerful anti-edemic and anti-inflammatory action on the prostate and the entire urinary tract, with a strong inhibitory action on prostaglandins (inflammatory substances).

The plant, used as a daily herbal tea (2 cups a day), eliminates aches and pains due to prostatic hypertrophy and / or prostatitis and promotes correct urination.

How do you assume

Epilobium is used for the preparation of herbal teas and it is recommended to take at least 2 cups a day: one in the morning and one in the evening. To prepare an herbal tea, add a teaspoon of epilobium to a saucepan with about 250 ml of water. It starts to heat up to a boil, then turns off and left to soak for another 2 minutes. It is filtered and drunk (hot or cold).

For an even more effective action, the epilobium parviflorum can be combined with other plants and natural products that are very effective in case of prostate problems.

What I recommend most of all is the Aloe Arborescens juice made following the recipe of Father Romano Zago, or with honey and 1% distillate. This juice taken in the quantity of 3 tablespoons a day, helps to purify the body in depth, is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, regulates the intestine and also helps to regulate blood levels such as blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides.

The other two excellent products for prostate disorders are:

  • Nettle (leaves and / or root in herbal tea).
  • Bee pollen (in granules).

Our products

You can buy the Epilobio parviflorum herbal tea from our cultivation, directly on our website . On the site you will also find other products recommended for prostate diseases: Aloe Arborescens juice, Nettle tea and Bee Pollen.

aloe juice classic recipe
herbal tea epilobio parviflorum
bee pollen

5. Chilli

chilli aphrodisiac

In the list of natural viagra, it is impossible not to mention chilli .

Chilli is known not only for its strong character at the table, but also for its aphrodisiac properties .

This is due to the rich content of capsaicin, the active ingredient responsible for spiciness. In addition to giving our dishes the pleasure of intense flavors and aromas, it is also an excellent therapeutic spice :

  • improves circulation,
  • is an excellent protective cardio ,
  • improves digestion,
  • has vasodilatory properties .

Thanks to its vasodilatory action, the chili pepper facilitates the blood flow to the penis, thus ensuring a greater flow, which means a better ability to achieve and maintain an erection for longer.

Beware of contraindications …

Being a very strong spice, chilli can have side effects , so it should be used sparingly, without exaggerating. Excessive consumption can irritate the stomach walls, intestines and prostate.

Consumption is contraindicated for those suffering from chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers, reflux, cystitis, prostatitis and prostatic hypertrophy. Caution is recommended in pregnancy and lactation.

Our products

If you are looking for a high quality product, grown in Italy, you can buy our chilli, grown here in Fermo in a natural way, without pesticides or chemicals of any kind. You can also find this on our website .

chilli powder
whole chilli

NB : All information published on this site is informative and should not be considered as advice, or medical prescriptions, or other.